It contains several potent herbs like Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Shatavary etc. Helps reduce fatigue. Useful in psychological disorders.
The classical Ayurveda texts have a large section devoted to Rasayan tonics that help boost up the physical and mental potency. Ashwa Saraswa is one of the gifts from the treasure trove of Ayurvedic wisdom. Carefully selected herbs like Ashwagandha, Gudduchi, Shatavary and many more, make this an excellent daily health supplement. Whether it is muscular weakness, physical tiredness or mental fatigue and depression, regular use of this tonic gives promising results. It helps to improve the overall stamina and energy. Indicated in cases of anxiety, stress, dementia, lack of focus, anaemia, digestive disorders, neuro-muscular ailments and insomnia.
Key Benefits:
- An Ayurvedic tonic for brain and body par excellence
- For general weakness, lack of energy, feeble muscles and physical tiredness
- To overcome mental fatigue, depression, lack of enthusiasm
- Improves vigour and vitality, boosts immunity
- Beneficial to and nourishes all seven dhatus-body tissues
- Excellent memory booster and nervine tonic, improves focus and concentration
- Useful in loss of memory, anxiety, stress, hysteria, dementia and disturbed sleep
- For all types of neuro-muscular insufficiencies, also anaemia and digestive disturbances
- Fortified with anti-oxidants and immune booster herbs like Ashwagandha, Gudduchi, Shatavary and more, Ashwa Saraswa is your daily to-go Ayurvedic energy tonic
Ingredients: Ashwagandharishta, Lohaasav, Saraswatarishta
Dose: 10 ml (approx. 2 tsp) mixed with 2 tsp of warm water, twice a day after food or as directed by the physician.
- Brand: Santulan Ayurveda – Dr. Shri Balaji Tambe’s
- Product Benefits: Weakness, lack of energy, forgetfulness, excellent tonic for mind & body, for vigour and vitality, for focus and concentration
- Specific Uses: Debility, mental & physical fatigue, anxiety, stress, seven dhatu tonic, loss of memory, disturbed sleep , dementia
- Age or Target Audience:
- Use for: Whole Body
- Net Quantity:of items: 1
- Package info: Bottle
- Item Weight :400ml